Saturday, April 28, 2007

Friday, April 27, 2007

nao so o gajo 'e giro mas

tambem faz coisas bonitas.
'E sempre bom conhecer rapazes que nao tem medo de usar dourado e de fazer ceramica.

pelos vistos ja esteve envolvido na organizacao do Experimenta.
s u s p i r o...
os nosso caminhos poderiam-se ter cruzado.
claro que nunca teria coragem para falar com ele mas 'e primavera e ao som de uma musiquinha melodiosa posso sempre sonhar um bocado...

Thursday, April 26, 2007

este nao sei se 'e giro mas o trabalhinho 'e uma curte

Chama-se andy rementer, o trabalho dele faz me lembrar um pouco o ron rege jr e o do elvis studio (que estavam no ultimo salao lx mas de quem nunca mais encontrei informacao absolutamente nenhuma).
Tanta gente a fazer tanta coisa boa por ai.
sometimes i really wonder is there any space for me? or any of us? maybe i should just be a spectator. maybe thats what i am already. (?) hmmmmm
e se quiserem-me oferecer isto para os anos nao digo que nao.

pretty pleeeeeease?

mais cenas dele aqui

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Depois estao sepre a dizer que os americanos é que sao gordos

Crisis looms in obesity in Europe, experts say

---BUDAPEST: Europe could face a major health and social crisis as obesity levels continue to rise among adults and children, health experts said Sunday.

Doctors at the 15th European Congress on Obesity said health officials across the Continent needed to use a new approach and end discrimination in dealing with obese people.

"Obesity should be treated within the health care system as any other complex disease," said Vojtech Hainer, president of the European Association for the Study of Obesity. "In many European countries, more than half the population is overweight or obese."

Hainer said excess body weight was one of the most important risk factors contributing to health problems, reducing average life expectancy by two years.

While the availability of data within the European Union varies widely, surveys presented at the congress showed that England, Germany, Greece, Cyprus, the Czech Republic and Slovakia had some of the highest rates of overweight or obese adults.

According to a survey completed in 2003, 75.4 percent of German men and 58.9 percent of women were overweight or obese. A 2004 survey in England showed rates of 66.6 percent for men and 58.5 percent for women.

The body mass index ratio, or BMI, is used to determine whether someone is overweight or obese. A normal range is 18.5 to 24.9. Overweight is 25 to 29.9 and more than 30 is considered obese. To determine BMI, a person's weight in kilograms is divided by their height in meters squared.

Experts also emphasized the need to achieve lower child obesity rates.

"Over 80 percent of obese kids remain obese as adults," said Martin Fried of Charles University in Prague. "The rise of child obesity shows some frightening figures."

Spain had the highest rate of overweight boys, with 35 percent in that category in 2000-2002. Other countries with high rates - 29 to 31 percent - were Malta, Scotland, Greece, Portugal and England.

Portugal had the highest rate for girls, at 34.3 percent, followed by Scotland, with 32.9 percent, and Spain, with 32 percent. The Netherlands, Slovakia, Estonia and Finland were among the countries with the lowest rates of overweight children.

Fried said the high childhood obesity rates could lead to a crisis in the labor force of some EU countries. "If the trend continues, who is going to work within 10 years in countries where obesity is on the rise?" he said. "This is going to be a disaster when they reach working age."

Friday, April 20, 2007

"changing the oil"

'e como chamam aqui no studio.
pelos vistos nao sou a unica com uma relacao amor odio com o meu periodo.

U.S. likely to approve contraceptive designed to eliminate periods

(ja tou mm a ver q n vao haver comentarios, mas espero que achem este artiguinho de intersse)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Friday, April 06, 2007

"vens para a polonia, numa carrinha, com uns trolhas que tem rastas, ao som de reggae?"

olha, ate segunda.
he he he
(que bom, que bom, mal me acredito!)

these guys made my day

Faz mtas semanas que nao vou a rotterdao recarregar abracinhos com o angolano e a comunidade turca. Ainda bem que encontrei este pessoal para ir aguentando ate estar com a fragalhada polaca.

Abracei todos que estavam a oferecer. Foi muito bom. Muita gente quis abracos, mta gente deu abracos foi assim puro e feliz e ainda por cima foi o a primeira vez que senti o sol quentinho da primavera (inicio!!) na cara.

(sim sim sou uma pessoa triste enclausurada todos os dias em frente a um computador)

pelos vistos comecou com um tipo na australia e agora 'e um worlwide movement. nao vi o site ainda mas se tiverem prai virados:


mini-panqueca cena yummy yummy.

most faithful self-portrait ever

Thursday, April 05, 2007