"He organized a vast Thought Police. Anybody with an absent-minded expression was immediately arrested and executed. anybody who expressed any ideas that deviated in any way from decent church-going morality suffered the same fate. The American Moral Disease passed into its terminal stage. Laughing was strictly forbidden. Everyone wore identical expressions of frustrated hate looking for a target.
That host witherd and dropped like flies in flytox. The Bluse Mongoose danced in for the kill and the way back was blocked by the Exterminator. Dazed survivors stumbled about in a pile of corpses from Los Alamos to Illionois as wave after wave of invaders swept down from the Bering Straits and up from the Mexican border destroying every vestige of the American nightmare, leveling the hideous cities and slaughtering the surviving Norms like cattle with aftosa. Anyone who used the words RIGHT and WRONG was IMMEDIATELY KILLED. The Norms were then ploughed under for fertilizer.
Doktor Kurt von Steinplatz: "Purpose of all projects is to turn up mutants in a safe environment. To do so without womens is to be without fear, hein? We do now much experiments with test tube junglings. Before we had actual womens who was inseminated and confined here until she produce male offspring. But we have much trouble with the womens who sit around all day yacking and eating chocolate and making lesbian love. So now we have test tubes. This should yeild new animal, hein? The biologic weapon of mutation: the mutants programmed to survive in altered conditions posed by their presence, one of which is the smell of these mutants. A smell they give out from the skin, squirt out through scent glands under the arms, breathe out, fart out and reek out in the sexual orgies to which they are driven by the sexual excitement of mutation."
The port of saints
William S. Burroughs
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