two hours of compulsive and obsessive combing and brushing of face and hair, while repeating the title of the work - "art must be beatiful, artist must be beautiful" as if in some sort of trance.
surprisingly disturbing. In fact I can't remember being so disturbed by a piece.
Then this weekend i saw the exibition in FOAM- James Nachtwey - Testimony which was like a fucking punch in the stomach. I think i even doubled over out of breath.
yeah its photojornalism (although definitely with composed in an aesthetically pleasing way, more Sebastiao Salgado than Word Press Photo I guess), and full of severed bodies, famine, poverty, and people hurting other people.
"Rwanda, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Northern Ireland, Romania, Somalia, Chechnya – for over 20 years, James Nachtwey has been taking photographs in the crisis regions of the world." (how does this guy live? his whole being must be corroded with images of things gone wrong)
I am not sure why his photos were so particularly phisically arresting (for me at least). Maybe my present disillusion with the world helped. Maybe thats the point of the exibition.
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